Monday, 3 October 2011

Hardware Keylogger: know how to use

Hardware keyloggers are the hardware spying tool. It records all the typed key words of the users in its in built memory.
Hardware keyloggers are used by many cyber cafe owners to get into your accounts, not that silly email accounts or social sites, they have much more sinister plans, they want your bank account details. Yes most of the keyloggers are installed in order to get access to your banking details, that they can use to exploit your bank account.
So, what to do check for any extra harware that is used to connect the keyboard or mouse with CPU, it can be a key logger. Moreover my idea will be don't use your banking transaction through a cyber cafe. Not all cyber cafe owner are kinda freak but many uses the exploits to suck you out. 
 what a hardware keylogger can do, Where can I get one?

hardware keyloggers logs all your datas that you enter through the keyboard.
  • Easy to use. No new software to install or learn. (software free device) 
  • Can be unplugged and information retrieved on another PC.
  • Uses no system resources. 
  • Excellent real-time backup device These are features of a hardware keylogger. So, do you want to monitor your system than it can be useful to you. You can use it for:
  • As a key logger tool for computer fraud investigations. 
  • As a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. 
  • As a deterrent, to prevent unacceptable use of company resources.
  • As a back up tool which creates a log of all keystrokes typed on a keyboard.
Get your own keylogger from here 
For any suggestion and query leave a comment.


datarecovery said...

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