Saturday 9 July 2011

hack windows registry to make your Aero interface faster

windows registry is the database where all the information about the windows is saved. All your configurations, settings, and changes you made in the system got itself placed at the registry. 

Win7 and vista have more display features, but hacking your registry can make your system more faster and reliable. Messing up with registry could harm your computer so, please make a back before staring and please follow the exact steps.
Hack to speed up your Aero interface:
 the aero interface lets you see the desktop while you move your mouse over the show desktop button at the end of the taskbar. 
The actual delay time is about 500 msec but here is a method to boost it up:
  • Open the Registry Editor and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced.
  • Right click on the right pannel and click on new>DWORD
  • Name the DWORD as "DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime."
  • Double click to open it:
select the decimal and put the value in mcrosecond. This will be the delay time.


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